Friday 19 July 2013

Things You Should Know About Endodontic Treatment

Made up of two Greek words Endo and Odont, meaning inside and tooth respectively, Endodontic is basically a treatment of the inside of the tooth. Endodontic treatment involves a few special treatments, while root canal is one of the main types of endodontic treatments.
It is important to know that inside the tooth, under the white enamel and the hard dentin layer lays a soft tissue called the pulp. This pulp, extending from the tooth’s crown to the roots, contains all the blood vessels, nerves and tissues which help in the growth and development of the tooth. However, once the tooth is mature it can survive without the pulp. Endodontic is thus a treatment carried out to remove the pulp when it becomes inflated, infected or dead.
When Endodontic treatment becomes necessary?
As explained Endodontic treatment becomes necessary when the pulp becomes, infected, inflamed or dead due to some reason. The infection or inflammation of the pulp may be caused by repeated dental surgeries, injury to the tooth or decay. It is important to treat the soft tissue inside the root canal for infection or inflammation because if it is left untreated it can lead to pain to abscess.
Symptoms of when Endodontic treatment becomes necessary
The main symptoms of when a person may need to undergo endodontic treatment include
  • Intense pain in the tooth
  • Prolonged sensitivity to cold and hot
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Pain while touching or chewing
  • Swelling and tenderness in the lymph nodes
It must be noted that in some cases there is no signs or symptoms.
How painful is the Endodontic treatment?
Endodontic treatment will be carried out to relieve you from the pain caused by the inflammation or infection to the soft tissue in the root canal (the pulp). So, it won’t be as painful as that toothache. Courtesy the new and innovative tools and anesthesia, most people feel real comfortable during the endodontic treatment. The tooth may feel a little sensitive for a few days after treatment; however the discomfort subsides with the medication advised by the dentist.
How effective is the Endodontic treatment?
In an endodontic treatment, an endodontist removes the infected or inflamed pulp from the person’s root canal. Endodontist takes due care to clean and shape the inside of the root canal so that the infection is completely eliminated. After cleaning the channel inside the tooth thoroughly, the endodontist fills the hollow space and seals it up. In the next phase, the endodontist will put a crown and other restorations on the tooth to protect it from further infections and to help restore it to function. It should be noted that if carried out by an experienced dentist with utmost care, the restoration of tooth or endodontic treatment will protect the tooth well and restore it to full function without pain.
How much does Endodontic treatment cost?
As in all other kinds of treatments and surgeries, the cost of Endodontic treatment also varies from patient to patient depending on the severity and the complexity of the proble that is treated. You can take heart from the fact that most insurance policies have some provision to cover for endodontic treatments.

Author Bio:
I’m Mike a health & fitness consultant having 5+ years of experience working in clinics and gyms dealing with health, pain and injuries and I am passionate about writing on healthy foods, Exercise , Supplements and natural green cleanse services. I provide expert guidance & tips related to Health & Fitness.